Monthly Archives: June 2011

Arf! Arf! It’s Published!


Arf! Arf! It's Published!

The publishing process was a little more time intensive than I had initially realized.  The great news is that Frenchie’s Best Friend- Follow the Blog is now available to my readers and I am hoping that you will order your copy as soon as possible and offer your feedback on the story.  If you order from, there is an opportunity to leave a message for other customers to read.  As well, there is a place on this blog for you to add your comments.  I am hopeful that you will enjoy reading the story as much as I had writing it.  When you finish the book you will realize why there must be a sequel, the story just couldn’t end there. I am almost finished the draft of this next book and with your feedback, I should be able to incorporate some of your ideas to make this one even better. HAPPY READING EVERYONE!!