Monthly Archives: March 2012

Authors in Bloom Blog Hop Contest




Get ready for some fun and prizes because you are invited to participate in an Author Blog Hop.  The tour begins on April 9th at 6:00 am and finishes on the 18th, so mark your calendars.

 Readers will have 10 days to enter each author’s individual contest (giveaways) and submit their entry for the Grand Prize (a Kindle or Nook and 25 dollars worth of books!) Readers gather phrases of a “travelling story” from each author’s site. Those who collect all the phrases and complete the story will be entered to win the Grand Prize.

 Each author site  (100 in total) will also post a giveaway and either a gardening tip or recipe. 

 It’s going to be fun and you may finish the contest by winning the Grand Prize!

           Mary’s Blog:


Are Dogs Replacing Babies?


Take my family, for example. We have four sons and three of the four couples have dogs and no children.  There is evidence everywhere that dogs are becoming more humanized all the time.  How many pet owners do you know that treat their dog more like their baby than an actual dog?  I mean, seriously, I’m a prime example.  I refer to myself as a doggie grandma on the back cover of my books and on my website! And yes, I doggie sit those adorable grand dogs while my kids go off on exotic holidays.

Look around your community and you will start to see it for yourself. There have always been those eccentric dog owners out there with the cash to indulge their pets with spa treatments, gourmet food, day care, outfits and bling dog collars.  Have you noticed this becoming more the norm, as of late?  It’s common practice to serve only organic food to one’s dog, ensure dog sitters are hired when traveling with one’s pet isn’t an option (although pet friendly hotels are available everywhere), have doggie seat belts/harnesses installed in the backseat of vehicles and ensure only the best of medical attention through exclusive veterinary services.  Have any of you noticed the premium doggie strollers being wheeled along  park and city sidewalks these days?

The real test is to witness puppy adoration in public places. Instead of the public cooing over a newborn baby or toddler, it’s the puppies who bring out this maternal/paternal response. Babies are regularly upstaged by the adorable, furry pets in their booties and raincoats.

Check out the green space of any urban community and you will discover that more and more of the parks are undergoing changes so that the doggie park area can increase in size. There is controversy in Portland over such changes being initiated to decrease the children’s play areas for more running and green space for our four-legged friends.  A couple of weekends ago, cross country skiing on our local mountain, it became clear that the most panoramic trail was reserved for the dogs off leash and their skiing owners. Everyone in my neighborhood is totally gaga over their dogs.  Their pet’s needs are a huge priority in their lives (just as our children’s used to be) and conversations always include updates or cute stories about one’s dog.  Does this remind you of when we used to bore our friends with stories about our incredibly unique children? And there are friends and relatives who congregate in Palm Desert and Arizona for the winter months who send photos of their puppy parades (labelled as “Yappy Parades”)!  Yep, the golf carts are decorated, the owners and dogs are in costume to denote the breed (e.g., Westies in tartans, Frenchie’s in scarves and berets).  They parade through their trailer parks and it’s a proud event! (What’s the bet that most of those folks are doggie grandparents like me and don’t actually have any human grandchildren?)

I don’t know if it’s just me, becoming more aware of all this because I happen to write contemporary fiction about a thirteen year old who is French Bulldog crazy or because there actually is a shift taking place with more young adults choosing to develop a sense of family through puppy ownership, rather than actually giving birth to a couple of human babies.  I’m curious, what’s your take on this? Are puppies replacing children?  I wonder!

Sneak Preview of a Blog from Frenchie X2



Frenchie X2- Follow the Blog (Book #2 of the Frenchie series) is now available in print in Canada at or I thought you might like to read just one of the hilarious blogs in the second book for a taste of puppy care X2.  Enjoy my fellow pet lovers and readers!

Blog: Potty Training

Well, I’m not sure I have this puppy-training thing under control. (Sissy the over-achiever did ALL of her business outdoors today. Pierre, on the other hand, had a couple of notable accidents.)  Most unfortunate of all was the “log” he decided to leave in front of my mom’s closet in her bedroom.  I’m sure you can picture the scene, Mom comes rushing in from the dry cleaners, as the phone is ringing.  I’m on the “John” and splat- she’s got “doo doo” on the bottom of her shoe.  There was so much commotion, that with Mom throwing a fit, the puppies started to bark wildly as I frantically tried to get out of the washroom. Of course NO ONE (meaning ME) had replaced the toilet paper roll and I was stuck on the bowl.  There wasn’t even a spare Kleenex to be found!  By the time Mom came to my rescue, she was completely beyond help!  I took that as a strong indication that it was probably the right time to take the puppies for a super long walk! Let’s just say Pierre and Sissy now know the meaning of MARATHON (not walk)!

I’m even more determined than ever that I have to get Pierre toilet trained fast.  Mom might be the Patience Poster Girl at school, but she’s running on empty right now.  I’m setting my alarm to wake me up every two and a half hours tonight.  No matter what, the puppies are going to be taken out for a pee break, I just can’t face my mom’s wrath one more day! (Even if it means standing outside in the middle of winter, waiting for the wild animals to get us!)

Mom and I were supposed to talk about my Doggie Wash business tonight, but given the circumstances of the earlier situation and her mood, I didn’t think it was a particularly conducive time to take that on. Luckily Grandma Sis came to my rescue and provided a distraction by inviting us over for dinner. Thankfully, we made it through Christmas leftovers without the puppies causing any big problem.  Grandma Sis is totally in love with our Sissy and Cher isn’t very happy about that. She was the one acting out tonight. She whined and paced throughout the visit. I felt like warning her to smarten up or I’d give her a bath; she’s such a spoiled brat! And you should’ve seen Grandpa Bob with Pierre. He thinks Pierre is a real man’s dog; whatever that means…

More to report tomorrow; stay tuned.  Hopefully, I can circumvent any more accidents in the upcoming days; I can tell my mom is becoming rather fragile over the issue.  If she only knew what went on all fall in her house….

Frazzled New Papa,

Frenchie’s Best Friend

Read an Ebook Week – A Discount Promotion on Smashwords Mar.4-10


Celebrate Read an Ebook Week on Smashwords.  Download Frenchie’s Best Friend- Follow the Blog for free using the coupon code RE100  at  http// and read Frenchie X2- Follow the Blog for a discounted price of $1.49 with the coupon code REW25 at http// Reading Everyone! Take advantage of huge discounts and enjoy some good laughs with these humorous novels about puppy love and care!